Car Wash News
Car Wash News is a quarterly electronic newsletter for members only.
- This service is available to all members of the CWA
- This is delivered quarterly to your inbox and will keep you abreast of the fast-moving issues affecting our industry
- To advertise contact Rachel@lewisbusinessmedia.co.uk 07879 440948
- PHU is produced for the CWA by www.lewisbusinessmedia.co.uk
To view our back issues of the Car Wash News, please log in to the Members Area, click on 'Keeping you informed' in the menu and scroll down to Car Wash News.
If you are not a member and would like to obtain your electronic copy of the Car Wash News, please apply for CWA Membership

About Car Wash Association
The Car Wash Association was originally established in 2007 by wash operators and industry suppliers and is now officially incorporated as part of the Retail Motor Industry Federation (RMI).